
Candidates differ in actions to ensure and lower the electricity

Araya points to spend in more private energy and change the diesel and bunker to natural gas

Solis would consider remove from ICE the fuel tribute at ICE and revise the tariff costs

February 24th, 2014.

Presidential candidates , Johnny Araya, National Liberation , and Luis Guillermo Solís , Citizen Action , differ on most measures to ensure national electrical service and lower rates .

The energy issue became central point on the agenda of the two candidates after repeated complaints of employers about the high cost of electricity, which rose to 30% in 2013, and its impact on competitiveness.

In response to these demands, the government candidate put in black and white plans .

Araya calls for more open space to private generators and eliminate legal limits in the case of projects for renewable energy sources such as wind ( using the wind ) , solar or biomass (waste) .

It also supports the measure electrical contingency presented by this government , but only in terms of private generation up 15 % to 30 % of installed capacity and allow larger plants .

Private service cheaper than state power .

Also, Araya bet replacing power plants based on diesel and bunker for natural gas, because it is cheaper and cleaner .

The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad ( ICE) is already working on a plan to convert Moin thermal plant to natural gas.

Luis Guillermo Solis , meanwhile, promotes a short-term action as exempt from payment of the single tax on fuel purchased by the ICE to generate electricity.

However, the applicant clarified that this is only a possibility to study , since the impact of the measure on the price would be very low , " and 2%" . Also, would a tax gap .

Carlos Obregón, exgerente Energy and ICE spokesman Solis in the matter, said that another alternative is to revise the rate schedule to determine whether light can eliminate some costs.

Unlike his verdiblanco rival, the candidate of the Citizen Action Party ( PAC ) has no clear its position on private generation . In his meetings with businessmen , offered to form a committee to review the issue.

The only certainty is his rejection of the full opening of the electricity market, where the ICE and private compete in the same condition.

"That's a tough issue within the PAC , but we agree to discuss these other options because the opening does not solve the price problem ," he said after leaving a meeting with industrialists.

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