
La Nación

C-neutrality is an elusive goal

Pablo Fonseca Q. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 04/11/2010

While taking drastic measures, the possibility that Costa Rica will become a country that completely offset the emissions of greenhouse gases in 2021, will be an elusive goal.

Imagenes/Fotos Images / Photos

According to the latest report of the State of the Nation, emissions of such gases will increase in coming years and spend about 11 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2009 to almost 18 million in 2021.

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Diario Extra

A model country for electricity

Leonel Fonseca (*)

A few days ago we all rejoice with the rescue of 33 miners in Chile, and the lesson learned was the achievement of an entire country towards a common goal.

At the beginning of the process in Costa Rica and discussion of the General Electricity Law the special legislative committee appointed for that purpose has made an excellent decision, as published under the title Law Commission seeks electric model, which reads: "The Special Committee devoted Electricity their first working sessions in search of a model country in the electricity sector (sic) instead of discussing the draft law aimed at opening up the market "(The Nation 2/10/2010, pág12A).  Thus, the commission initially promotes a series of appearances by public officials responsible for this essential public service in order to find and define a model country for the electricity subsector and, thus, not get lost in the voluminous and even unintelligible projects bills submitted to the legislative process, which by being imbued with a strong ideological content hardly make possible national consensus.

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Diario Extra


Luis Araya Pablo Quirós / This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The former president, Oscar Arias, enjoyed with President liberationist, Bernald Jiménez, the homage paid by the party. Oscar and Rodrigo Arias returned to the game after 4 years.
Former President Oscar Arias Sanchez, questioned the slow pace of opening the country to implement the service, in his speech of homage paid during the celebration of 59 anniversary of the PLN.

Arias said that if the country wants to compete internationally and seek to attract foreign investment to grow steadily and poverty reduction needs to have world class services.

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La Nación

Plan piloto de generación eléctrica para usuarios del ICE

Hogares y empresas producirán luz para uso propio y del país

Instituto pretende obtener 5 MW con pequeñas plantas de viento, sol y agua

ICE aplicará a la factura eléctrica del proveedor el monto de su aporte

Mercedes Aguero R. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   18/10/2010

Los hogares, comercios e industrias pueden ahora producir electricidad para su consumo y colocar los sobrantes en el sistema de distribución del país.


Los paneles solares y una pequeña turbina de viento abastecen una pequeña parte de la electricidad que consume la vivienda de Leonardo Kikut y Adelina Brenes en Esparza, Puntarenas. Eyleen Vargas.

Esta oportunidad surge de un plan piloto sobre generación eléctrica distribuida que impulsan el Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) y el Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía.

La meta del ICE es obtener 5 megavatios (MW) de capacidad instalada con generadoras a base de viento, agua, luz solar y biomasa (desechos) de todo el país.

Para lograr la meta, se espera que en el futuro participen, además de los abonados del ICE, usuarios de otras distribuidoras.

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Diario Extra

• Gather information on environmental issues and respect for indigenous rights


KRISSIA  MORRIS GRAY. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The defender of the people, Ofelia Taitelbaum visited the area where the construction of the Hydroelectric Project Diquís, while the instance is collecting information to ensure full compliance.

The Ombudsman is in the process of gathering information in order to assess whether the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) meets the requirements on environmental issues and respect for the rights of indigenous peoples, facing the institutional interest to develop Diquís Hydroelectric Project in Buenos Aires, Puntarenas.

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